Here is some of the student work from this lesson!
Jen Aranyi Landscapes.
I found this lesson on Cassie Stephens website, but in summary, my 4th and 5th grade students learned about a contemporary graphic designer named Jen Aranyi. This lesson is actually meant for 3rd grade, but I decided to try it out with 4th and 5th to see how they would do. They did amazing! However, when I teach this again with 4th and 5th grade, I will have them to do one-point perspective cityscapes Jen Aranyi style instead.
Through this lesson, the 4th and 5th graders were able to learn about careers in graphic design, analogous colors, foreground/middleground/background, and blending of watercolors.
Here is the link to the slideshow I made for this lesson.
Here is the demonstration video I showed the students (filmed by Cassie Stephens).
Here is the link to the lesson plan I wrote for this project.